The Hobbit Lessons Learned, Chapter 3: A Short Rest

We meet Elrond and learn what it means to "smell like elves."
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" World Premiere
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" World Premiere | Hagen Hopkins/GettyImages

Welcome back to the chapter-by-chapter reading of Tolkien's The Hobbit. We have relied on the wizard's good sense to escape the trolls and now follow Gandalf to Rivendell and the Last Homely House. Let's join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield there, shall we?

"It was not so easy as it sounds."

Tolkien says in the beginning of this book that hobbits have a talent for hiding themselves from the "large stupid folk...[who] come blundering along.I think this makes them naturally sympathetic to the elves who are in the difficult-to-locate Rivendell. Gandalf sends word ahead and the dwarves and Bilbo are expected, but it still takes them an effort to find the home of Elrond the half-elven.

Boy, is the destination worth the journey. Even without hearing abuot the warm air and smell of pine-treees and how the descent to the valley made their spirits rise, I would want to be in a place that "smells like elves!" I'd like to accept the invitation to "listen and hark till the end of the dark."

We soon learn that Bilbo loves the elves, but the dwarves do not share his sentiment. It takes some time to settle in there, but "their clothes were mended as well as their bruises, their tempers and their hopes." Even better, "their plans were improved with the best advice." Though the dwarves don't willingly seek out those who are different from them in this course, they learn to accept help and healing and that prepares them well for the next stage of their journey.

Lesson Learned: Let things be mended

It's not always easy to admit a weakness. It's even harder at times to accept help, but it can be beneficial for both parties to take part in setting things right. We don't know if the elves profited or benefited from the presence of all those dwarves, but there is an implied kindness between the two races in the fact that they discussed plans and received advice.

Let's be like the people who let their clothes, bruises and tempers be mended. In the same way that we shouldn't turn down help when we're ill or injured, we shouldn't be too proud to see past our pride.