RIP Simon Fisher-Becker, the Fat Friar

The Hufflepuff ghost was one of this British actor's many faces.
2013 Rhode Island Comic Con - Day 1
2013 Rhode Island Comic Con - Day 1 | Bobby Bank/GettyImages

There are few characters who were underused in both the Harry Potter books and films. The movies stand out for the fact that we barely see representation of one type of being that play more of a part in the series. The Hogwarts ghosts are a regularly recurring set of characters. Today, we bid farewell to the British actor who brought the Fat Friar to life and who passed away at 63 on March 9.

Who is Simon Fisher-Becker?

The first thing to note is that Fisher-Becker began and ended life in London. Born in 1961, he started his career in 1990 on television in Screenplay Firsts. According to Forbes, this was "a series showcasing short films and plays by new and young British filmmakers." His most recent efforts were in audio as he voiced Agent Tony Simon in The Hawk Chronicles from 2018-2025. He is respected for many roles, but made a mark on the long-running science-fiction program Doctor Who, where he played the self-serving and sardonic Dorium Maldovar.

It was in 2001 that he played The Fat Friar in the first Harry Potter movie, merrily gliding along one of the tables in the great hall. It would have been wonderful to see him in an expanded role, such as the book-only scene where he urges his fellow ghosts to show compassion for Peeves or when he's welcoming first-years with a hope that he'll see them in Hufflepuff.

The news was broken when Anthony, Simon's husband, posted that "I have some very sad news. At 2:50 this afternoon Simon passed away." Fisher-Becker's agent Kim Barry followed this with a statement saying that she "lost not only a client in Simon Fisher-Becker, but a close personal friend of 15 years standing." Barry also recalls him as "a writer, a raconteur and a great public speaker...[who] was kind, gracious and interested in everyone. My condolences go to his husband Tony, his brother, nieces and nephews and his legion of fans." Actor Dominic G. Martin praised him on X:

"A legend of Who both in show and in the community. I never got to meet him properly, but friends who worked with him have nothing but lovely things to say...A real testament to his character. Farewell, sir."
Dominic G. Martin

As fans of his work in the wizarding world and beyond, we likewise express our condolences to the family and friends of this remarkable artist. We will miss him whenever we watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.