The Harry Potter books and films have an international appeal and it takes many people to let the works reach people in other countries. A major player in the Harry Potter films' Spanish translation was Marcelo Armand, the Argentine actor who gave his voice to the titular character.
Remembering the voice of heroes
According to The Latin Times, Marcelo Armand has passed away at the age of 56. The source was the Asociacion Argentina de Actores (Argentinian Association of Actors), but there is no mention of the cause of death.
Con profundo pesar despedimos a Marcelo Armand, destacado actor, actor de voz, locutor, director de doblaje y docente, con amplio reconocimiento en Argentina y toda Latinoamérica. Su voz aparece en cientos de películas, series y videojuegos.
— Asociación Argentina de Actores (@actoresprensa) January 27, 2025
Says the Asociacion's X profile, "With profound heaviness, we say farewell to Marcelo Armand, outstanding actor, voice actor, announcer, director of dubbing, and teacher, with full recognition in Argentina and all of Latin America. His voice appears in hundreds of films, series, and video games."
To Harry Potter fans following the films in Spanish, he was the voice of the Boy Who Lived in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. He also voiced Mad-Eye Moody in the franchise. For the rest of the world, he lent his talents to Spider-Man and Marvel
Born in 1968, Armand "made his debut at the General San Martin Cultural Complex, a stepping stone to a career that would later see him perform in numerous theater productions." This stepping stone came at the age of 6. The article goes on to recount tributes from colleagues and fans, "emphasizing the impact he had on future generations of vice actors." It is undoubtedly true that "The passing of Marcelo Armand leaves a profound void in the voice-acting community. However, his legacy will live on - not just through the unforgettable characters he brought to life but also in the hearts of those who grew up listening to his work."
Our thoughts are with Armand's loved ones.