Harry Potter and Book 1 scene the series shouldn't skip

There's a lot more to the ending than "All you need is love."
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We've just discussed some major themes in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and it's only natural to think about how these will play out in the upcoming HBO adaptation. Before we proceed into Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,, I wanted to touch on something that should be kept in and kept in context. It's not the love speech, but another part of the discussion on how to stop Lord Voldemort.

"To march into hell for a heavenly cause."

In the wake of Harry's first real act of conscious heroism, Harry has the chance to ask Professor Dumbledore about what he just went through and what lies ahead for him. It's a heavy conversation followed by an act of Every Flavored Bean. And if I had to pick one favorite moment of the book, it would be when Dumbledore says that "to have been loved so deeply, even thought he person who loved is gone, will give us some protection forever." Harry's not the only one drying his eyes after that observation.

Just before that, Harry wonders and probably worries if Voldemort can come back. Harry had a personal stake in hating him before he found Professor Quirrell near the Mirror of Erised, but he now feels the effects of confronting him and may be wondering what will happen the next time. Dumbledore responds with something that I cannot get out of my head:

"Nevertheless, Harry, while you may only have delayed his return to power, it will merely take someone else who is prepared to fight what seems a losing battle next time - and if he is delayed again, and again, why, he may never return to power."
Albus Dumbledore

This is the beginning of a long and sometimes lonely struggle for Harry, but the burden here is lessened by Dumbledore approaching a solder on the field of victory and pointing out the army who has come to help. This scene, done right, will not only prepare viewers to ook for the characters who are "prepared to fight what seems a losing battle," but also make them appreciate this trend as the books continue.

We look forward to seeing how the as-yet unannounced cast will handle this in the planned TV series from HBO.