Halloween Countdown: 4 spells that would make life easier

What are things we could use as Muggles?

As is common on this site, I'd like to share immortal words of wisdom from the Harry Potter series: "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE ALLOWED TO USE MAGIC NOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO WHIP YOUR WNADS OUT FOR EVERY TINY LITTLE THING!" Thus sayeth Molly Weasley and she is, of course, an authority on a time and a place for magic. Well, technically, that's Mafalda Hopkirk from the Improper Use of Magic office, but Molly has raised six wizards and one witch and she seems to know what she's taling about. Let's review four things that we wouldn't mind breaching the Statute of Secrecy for.

1. Scourgify

One of my favorite moments in Muggle cinema is "A Spoonful of Sugar" from Mary Poppins. With a few minutes of rhyming music, a nursery is made spit-spot. But it's not that easy to create order out of chaos.

Tonks' packing spell would come in handy for general tidying-up, but I'd like to haul out scourgify when there are dishes to be done or when I've accidentally spilled ketchup on my t-shirt.

2. Portus

Portkeys have to be my favorite practical invention as far as magic goes. I can't count the number of times when a Portkey would have helped me escape a traffic jam or gotten me to the side of someone who needed help. I also have been a pedestrian for many years and rely on the train or subway for traveling within the state. Portus would never leave me wondering if I had enough time to get across town before the last train home left.

I think it's even ore useful for a group of mixed ages. I loved seeing the Portkeys in use at the Quidditch World Cup so that the under-age wizards and elders in the Ministry of Magic alike could congregate on a schedule. I can imagine family reunions being made possible because of this spell.

3. Impervious

Being, as I mentioned before, a long-time pedestrian, it would be great to have a water-repelling charm in my repertoire. Even if you're not caught out in the elements, things happen to foul up a day.

Casting impervious before going out for the day could be like taking allergy medicine before going out in spring. You donl't know if you're going to run across an allergen, but it's better to be prepared. Water-proof yourself just in case the weather takes a turn for the damp.

4. Muffliato

I've never been someone privy to top-secret or highly-guarded information. I have, however, kept confidences with people and that is where I think this spell would be perfect for making sure eavesdropping didn't happen.

It would be annoying to hear the "unidentifiable buzzing" described, but it would probably be less disruptive than an impassioned conversation at the wrong time. It would also keep you from knowing things that were never meant to be for your ears. Terrible for cvoert operations, but a real asset when you just want to do your Potions homework without overhearing about who has a crush on whom.

Keep tuning in for te rest of our Halloween Countdown. The most magical night of the year is coming and we'll be back with more tomorrow.