They say love is blind. And again, some even argue that if it's not blind, it's not love at all. But is that truly love? Or is it a path to destruction? If history (or legends, in this case) has taught me anything that blind love can be a catastrophe waiting to happen. Take the tale of Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang, one of Indonesia’s most famous legendary love stories.
Imagine a mother who unknowingly falls in love with her own son. When she realizes the horrifying truth, instead of confronting it directly, she resorts to an impossible task, asking him to build a lake and a boat in a single night. And when it looks like he might actually pull it off?
She prays for the sun to rise early, forcing him to fail. As he was about to explode, Sangkuriang kicks the unfinished boat, flipping it over into what we now call Tangkuban Perahu, a volcano near Bandung.
It’s poetic, really. Love turns into chaos, and a mountain is born out of sheer heartbreak. But beyond the drama, this story whispers uncomfortable truths about human nature. How often do we try to solve problems by running away from them? Or worse, what happens when we manipulate reality to fit what we want instead of facing what is?
The Weight of Impossible Expectations

Dayang Sumbi’s approach was... questionable, to say the least. Let's face it, though. Haven't we all done something comparable, albeit on a much smaller scale? Sometimes, we prefer the simple solution to the unpleasant reality when confronted with an impossible circumstance. Ever ghosted someone instead of having The Talk? Or bent the truth just enough to avoid confrontation?
Sangkuriang, on the other hand, is the embodiment of blind ambition. His love is obsessive, unstoppable. He believes that by proving his strength, he can rewrite fate itself. This same mentality leads people to pursue toxic relationships in the hopes that things will magically improve if they just put in a little more effort. However, that isn't how love operates. No matter how many lakes you create or how many boats you create out of thin air, some things are just not meant to be.
This story is about more than only love. It's also about denial, desperation, and the terrible results of not seeing the truth. It is also the cause of Shakespearean heartbreaks, Greek tragedies, and, let's face it, half of Netflix's drama section. The idea that we can force love, reshape destiny, or cheat reality is as old as time.
Love, Illusions, and Lessons Carved in Stone
So what’s the takeaway? Well yeah, maybe that true love isn’t about proving anything. It’s about seeing clearly. It all comes to knowing when to give up and when to stand for what you believe in. Flip the script is about realizing that some things aren't meant to be, no matter how painful they may be.
The story of Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang serves as a sobering reminder that reality cannot be altered by ignoring it. Love, when fueled by blindness or stubbornness, can turn into destruction. And sometimes, what we think is fate is just a beautifully crafted illusion.
And if you’ve ever made a mistake in the name of love? Hey, at least you didn’t turn a boat into a volcano.